Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Public housing for members of Muslim sect only


I have no (or very little) issue with private property being used for whatever victimless purposes the owner(s) want, but if this is tax-payer money this discriminatory policy is unethical and probably illegal.

Another housing project is mentioned, that is Christian only. The article does not mention is that property is privately or publically owned.

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Public facilities being used for sectarian prayer?

While working out at the gym I noticed that in the hallway there is a discreet arrow on the ceiling of one hall pointing in the south or south-east direction.

Could this be kiblat, the standard amenity in hotels in such Muslim countries as Indonesia and Malaysia?

Are special accommodations being made to Islamic prayer? Is this legal, when there is certainly no accommodation made to the majority Christian population sensibilities such as greeting Merry Christmas or having a creche?

I will investigate further....

Hmm, after googling qibla (perhaps I was using a non-Arabic pronunciation) I found a site where on can look up according to one's googled location. I must be wrong, the arrow is way off - qibla is NNE not due south, which is where the arrow points.

To verify, I will politely ask a Muslim lad working out.

Sunday, July 2, 2017

Update - apathy and ignorance rule in BC

Including my own I add.

I am convinced that a million blogs, videos and petitions aren't going to change anything substantially. What is required is direct action that challenges the authority of the State, a la Gandhian satyagraha (non-violent civil disobedience - in Sanskrit, 'standing firm in truth'). This means street protests and withholding financing (taxes etc) from the politicians. Otherwise it is just blah blah blah. We have to be willing to go to be arrested, go to jail, spend money on lawyers, even be imprisoned. This is not going to be an easy fight because frankly most Canadians are indifferent to political action that has any costs.

If there was an equivalent to Tommy Robinson's group in UK, if there was a less Christian and less conservative group in Canada like Britain First that was fighting Islamization, I would join it. There isn't.

Here is what has happened with me lately - admittedly all very small and local....

1. Pool sign updated: After seven years of misinformation the administration has finally changed the children sign to something sensible. It used to read that kids *under* age five should use the appropriate changing room. Now, it has been changed to 'over'. Duh.

2. Women Only signs removed: No more ads are posted advertising the women only swim. The practice continues on public holidays (such as yesterday, July 1, Canada Day) but it is not in the publications or posters. Why, I do not know. I believe it is to keep a low profile. This must also mean that whoever should know about it already does.

3. Woman in women only swim photo: Don't know if I mentioned this before, but the woman in the photo that accompanied the event looks Iranian. Co-incidence?

4. 30 minute question: The women only swim occurs from 8 to 10 a.m. Public swim opens at 10:30. So, there is 30 minutes of buffer. I will investigate to see if previously the public swim opened at 10 am, and this event is indeed digging into public time.

5. Russian's opinion: In the hot tub I spoke with an immigrant who has been in Canada for 40 years. He agreed completely with my perspective that public money should not be spent on sectarian swim events. However, while he would sign a petition, he said that in his opinion there are much more important matters. Therefore he would not engage in any civil disobedience such as occupying the lobby in a direct action.

6. Long polite discussion: I asked two other men in the hot tub their opinion of the event. One was ethnic Chinese and in his 30s (?) and the other Caucasian and perhaps early 40s. Both thought that the women swims are a good idea. We had a polite argument about it, most of it between the older man and myself. Basically he thinks that minorities must be catered to. The Caucasian man made the same arguments that the Mayor does. I asked him what he thought about if a high caste Hindu doesn't want to swim with low-caste people, should we cater to that restriction also? I found his reply illogical - 'but he doesn't have to, the girls don't have a choice, their culture doesn't allow them to'. And the City of Coquitlam should cater to this mentality? Yes.

7. Prince George businessman agrees with me:  A man in his late 20s of undetermined ethnicity (parents South Asian?) agreed with me tentatively, that the women only swim is a bad idea. He said that Canadians have become to soft and it sets a bad precedent.

8. Sauna silence: The night before the 'women only swim' I attempted to get some reaction out of patrons (mixed ethnicities, mostly Chinese and Korean, but some Middle Eastern, Filipino and Caucasian men also). I announced to the group the nature of the event, what are the rules and my opinion of it (the purpose is Islamic) - hoping to get some discussion going. I do not know if people are shy to discuss public policy or there were language issues, but no one responded. It was as if no one heard me or pretended that they didn't. Complete silence, as if I had farted instead of tried to bring up pool policy for open discussion. This really disappointed me. I have no issue talking with people who disagree with me or agree on only some points, but I found it bizarre compared to say political discussions I have had on New York and even Vancouver subways. Maybe when people are half naked they don't want to talk politics? One man, a Filipino, upon leaving expressed his sympathy for my concerns. Everyone else was poker faced. This is one reason I find Canada strange, everyone is so afraid of being considered impolite.

9. Canada Day: I was wearing one of my favourite T-shirts, the 'Sikh Martyrs Colouring Book' image of Arjan Dev being tortured by Mughals in 16th century. A non-turbaned South Asian man said he liked my shirt.
The City of Coquitlam had set up many booths including one where the public could add post-it notes to reply to the question how would you like to see Canada improve or words to that effect. I wrote out 'Halt (star and cresent symbol) immigration' and put it high up with a row of several others. The attendant immediately, as in within seconds removed it. I reprimanded her saying 'that is my opinion'. She replied, 'How about I put it here' where it blocked the question text. I do not know how long it remained. I had not posted a racist comment (religion is not race) such as 'halt green immigration', I had not said anything advocating violence such as 'kill Mormons' or even anything personally political such as 'Impeach Trudeau'. Would she have objected if I had written 'increase Muslim immigration? or something general such as  'increase immigration' or 'decrease immigration'? She did not explain herself and I did not enquire.

Where I am coming from - it is not the same as Act Up! and others

To keep all this in context, I have very insignificant roots in Canada. I was born here, carry a Canadian passport, have Canadian residency and I like some things about Canada, but I am really not a nationalist nor do I have any emotional attachment for this country. My relationship to Canada is one of convenience. In fact, I consider governments to be like landlords. If the conditions of tenancy become undesirable, change residence. I know it has connotations of Jew-hating but I like the phrase 'rootless cosmopolitan'. I spent many years travelling and aside for legal protections, cleanliness and infrastructure I feel like a fish out of water here. In fact, I have been trying for twenty years to expatriate myself to several other countries in Southeast Asia but haven't managed it. But in my old age there are advantages of keeping Canadian residency.

Thus, I am not a flag waver. I am technically Canadian. If I could manage it I would probably apply for US citizenship also (for gun rights and better freedom of expression) and live in 3-4 different countries. I am not much of a fighter and would rather vote with my feet (simply leave to where there is a very small Muslim population). This is what Swedes have been doing for decades, more to escape high taxes. Demograpghics of religion is not the be all and end all of where I want to live. But in the last five years it has become a factor that didn't exist before. Previously all I wanted to do was live in a Buddhist country. Now I don't care if it is Buddhist or Christian as long as the Muslim population is less than 1% and there is little political power by Muslim organizations. So, outside of Asia (my favourite continent for culture, women, food etc) I am looking towards Poland, Hungary, Ukraine etc - peoples who are standing up against Islam.

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Verifed: hijabs permitted at provincial voting in BC

How do I know this? Experience. I worked for Elections BC this year. At training our supervisor told us that if a woman presents herself in such a garment as a hijab or burka a female would take her aside to verify her identity. That mature gentleman who answered my question was replaced. I never saw him again, least of all on work day. Co-incidence? Too bad an overly-enthusiastic staff member discarded my papers with his number scribbled on it.

On voting day I verified with the new supervisor about such circumstances presenting themselves. No. We do not even verify gender. If a person has ID and they say who they are we accept that regardless of what appears to be the case. We err on the side of encouraging people to vote.

I think this is imprudent.

Thursday, May 25, 2017

Canada is no longer my home

I think there is no future for Canada if we continue this way.

I am looking to expatriate myself from Canada. I do not feel at home here. I do not have a martial bone in my body and prefer to flee than to fight. Political activism is not my thing. And I am old. If I choose to keep my Canadian residency for financial benefit I will stay the minimum months necessary for health care and other benefits.

My grandparents on my father's side were (legal) immigrants from Norway. My best friend in elementary school was Cantonese. My highschool working-class chums were Scots, Italians, Greek-Cypriots, Finns etc. Catholics, atheists, Orthodox Christians, Jews. And I must add, an Ismaili Muslims from East Africa. They adapted and fit in. The Muslims from the Middle East I am not so sure about. No, I am very sure. they might not at all.

Muslim immigration and pro-Islamic policies at various levels of government is not my major reason for wanting to leave however. For decades I have been trying to leave this cold wet place that is too expensive for my low budget. Demographic and political changes are just nails in the coffin.

I noticed the change about ten years ago when I started seeing headscarves in my residential neighbourhood in Coquitlam. There had for decades been Iranians (political refugees post-Islamic revolution) in North Vancouver, but they had always been rather secular and cosmopolitan. Also rich.

Malaysian forum threads

Search for posts by hermespan.

Follows are some of my favourites...

Travelling Islamic museum show -


Terrorist sympathy car sticker -


Posts by HermesPan2 have been deleted. I will publish here the gist of that thread

Surrey, BC - women only swim enquiry #2

One of the cities in the greater Vancouver Regional District is Surrrey - a huge area of amalgamated municpalities. It has several swimming pools

On March 25, 2017 I requested women only swim info through the Freedom of Information Act. I received a very small package (10 pages!) today - two months later. That is less than 1/20th of what the City of Coquitlam provided. As with Coquitlam, I was not charged any fee.

What struck me after the minimal info was the fact that where items had been blocked out there was no mention of which section of the act required the censoring. Coquitlam blacked it out, here they whited it out (my printer budget thanks the City of Surrey). And the info was spotty - 2008, 2014 and 2015. I immediately asked for more information. I have 30 days.


1. The people of only one religion are mentioned - Muslims. Despite Surrey having perhaps the largest concentration of Sikhs in Canada, they are not being accommodated (or maybe they never asked, nor need to).

2. Response to an undated  'women only swim' survey from the city of  Burnaby, with the following questions and answers (astericks etc in red are mine)...

Q:  Does your municipality offer a women's only swim? If yes, does it accommodate Muslim women? *1
- North Surrey Indoor Pool offers a Women and Girls Only swim and gym on Tuesday and Thursday from 9:00 to 10:00 pm. We accommodate Muslim women. * 1
- Sometimes childcare can be an issue so we have allowed women to bring boys under the age of 7.

Q: Did your municipality they (sic) make any specific programming modifications or operational modifications, to run this program? For example, cover windows looking into pool area for privacy of the Muslim women, or staffing the sessions with only female guards etc? *2
- We extended operational hours on Tuesday and Thursday evenings.
- We adjusted the signing hours on Tuesday and Thusrday evenings (decreased to 2 X 2 hour shifts - 8:30 - 10:30 pm) so that only female  guards could sign for Women's Only without hugely affecting potential loss of hours for male guards. * 3
- We installed blinds on all windows/doors for privacy. * 4

Q: When does the program operate? Is it offered as a rental? During a public swim time?
- Every Tuesday and Thursday evening from 9:00- 10:00 pm.
- We offer it as a Value drop-in swim ($2.25)
- We also offer Women Only Swim Clinics at a rate of $5 per session. * 5

Q: How long has the program been operating? Aproximmately how many participants attend the sessions?
- The program was already in place when I started working here eight years ago. * 6 I am unsure of how long it ran before that.
- It orginially ran on Monday's and Wednesday's during the day but due to lack of particpiation (only a few women) we changed it to Tuesday and Thursday evenings.
- Since we changed the days, we average about 30 - 60 participants. Tuesdays tend to be busiest as Thursday's the Muslims in our community attend their mosque for worship. * 7 

Q: To plan this session did you work with representatives from this community to develop and implement the swim time? * 8 What was your process? * 9
- I believe the programmer who originally started this program worked with Diversity. * 10

Q: Do you have other comments/recommendations?
- We changed the title to "Women and Girls Only Swim" because when it was called "Women Only Swim" some participants complained that children attended.
- Be prepared to deal with a lot of irrate male patrons for adding a women's only time and not a male only time. * 11

*1 - How a swimming pool 'accommodates Muslim women' is not explained at first.

*2 Thus, the blinds and female only guards suggest that this is a Muslim issue not a female one, at least according to Burnaby.

*3 So men guards were forbidden to work?

*4  I must enquire what was the cost.

* 5 In another document, I learn that this means group swimming lessons

* 6 I will enquire who started it, why and when

* 7 Shouldn't that be Friday? Something is not right here.

* 8 Which community, Muslim presumably? Why is it called a 'community' rather than a 'religion'? Perhaps because the social norms of Islam deal with public life.

* 9 And what *was* the process?

* 10 'Diversity' is capitalized. Does this mean that this is an organization?

* 11 'Irrate' suggests irrational and angry. I am enquiring as to what those complaints were and how many.
3.  The undated 2015 Budget Issue Paper includes bureaucrat bullshitspeak...

"The Newton Wave Pool surrently offers a very successful Women's Only Swim 3 days a week to service the need of the many various cultural communities in the Newton Town Center. * 1 It was originated as a pilot project but has not been funded in our annual budget since its' (sic) inception. The swim is offered outside the regular hours of operation and addditional staff resources are required.


The budget request of $51,761 was approved for 50% in 2014. The remaining 50% will cover the expenses for offering a Women's Only Swim 3 days a week, Monday/Wednesday nights and Saturday mornings.   The minimum amount of staff required - 10 Lifeguard/instructors = 30 hours X 52 weeks x lifeguard/instructor rate. * 2


To be able to continue providing a Women's Only Swim 3 days a week at the Newton Wave Pool. To meet the needs of our diverse community by offering different options for safe, fun and respectful recreation opportunities. To re-frame our annual budget report to accurately reflect the program schedule we are currently offering."

The page continues in the request (from the City Fund?) for more money in order to finance the 'Women Only Swim' and adds...

"Offering the Women's Only Swim during regular operating hours is not currently an option." * 3  

The 2014 budget page on the Women's Only Swim reads the same word for word. * 4

*1 Why is this a lie? It is not the need of a diverse comunity. It is only the need of one community - Muslim. Not any other religion. Notice that the author used the singular.

*2 Are there not other expenses besides wages for labour? Electricity, security, etc

*3 I believe that this sentence holds a lot of meaning. I suspect it means that it would be illegal to do so according to the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. I will investigate.

*4 Why the tenuousness of this program? I suspect it has something to do with the City is waiting to be sued. The city doesn't believe the program can continue -- due to a civil challenge.


The Surrey Pool 2012 brochure meantions something that is different from Coquitlam...

"No clothing that has been worn outside the pool can go in pool"

This would make the clothing I ocassionally see at the Coquitlam pool prohibited -- men with underwear under their swim trunks and women wearing street pants (rare).

In the section on women's only exercsie classes it notes, "during these lesson times there may be males in the pool area, including swimmers and instructors."

Their reply came the very next day, 'answers' to my questions about the missing information was as follows...

"Subsequent to our response dated May 25, 2017, on that date you requested the following:

1   1. Have all deleted sections been due to FOI Section 22 only? Or other sections of the FOI Act?  Normally redacted material is replaced with the relevant # (e.g. 22) I see no specific explanation from within the document regarding which exemption applies. 

2. The only dates of documents are see are 2008, 2014 and 2015.   Were there zero communications or publications on 'women only swims' between 2008 and 2014?  Likewise 2015 to 2017, and previous to 2008? Are those records available for me to study?

3. When does Surrey destroy records, going back how many years does the City keep records, digitally or on paper?

4. What are the dates of the writing, distribution and collating of results of the 'women only swim' survey?  It shows no year.

5. I received several publications and some records of emails. Were there no other records: emails, phone calls, paper letters, faxes, either internal or external (e.g. with Burnaby or Coquitlam) on the subject of 'women only swims'? 

6. Where is the record of any complaints on the 'women only swims' and how the City was to handle them or in fact did?

7. Where is the record of why the 'women only swims' were restarted (or have they been running non-stop since 2008)? 

8. Who requested 'women only swims' from within the Surrey community? Or did this program originate without community involvement?

9. Where are the records regarding the communications between those community groups and the City of Surrey.  I am not requesting the names of individuals, only organizations - so the privacy exemptions do not apply.

In response, we provide the following information:

1. The barcode section of page 10 of the records is the only redaction to the records disclosed.  The information was redacted as the code may be linked to registrants of a program.  We enclose a more legible scan of page 10 of the records. [ed. * see my note below]

2. There are no further records in response to the request. 
The search conducted involved consultation with staff, relevant staff conducting a search of their workstation and an electronic search of archives.

3. The records retention for Parks, Recreation and Culture programming is six years. 

4. The survey on page 4 of the records provided identifies the record was created July 9, 2010.

5. There are no further records related to this program.

6. There are no records of complaints regarding the program.

7. Staff recollection is that the program began in 2002 - 2004 as a pilot program that originated at the North Surrey Recreation Facility and expanded to the Newton Wave Pool. 

8. Staff recollection is that the program was originated with the community non-profit group Diversity.

9. There are no further records related to this program.

We enclose Parks, Recreation and Culture Policy documents that appear relevant to the substance of your request.

* ed. I checked the link on M=July 27 and it was not functioning. Perhaps I was too late. So, I asked them about it by email.

Monday, May 22, 2017

If I run as an independent candidate here is my platform

I am not an absolutist. I am willing to listen to experts, inlcuding those of differing opinions. But here are my most important political concerns, in order of priority...

1. Muslim immigration: Immediate moratorium on Muslim immigration. There are of course some exceptions (Ahmaddiyas and Ismailis come to mind) but if you are a male named Mohammed, you cannot 100% prove your past and present, and you are from a known jihadi country - you're not coming in, even as a tourist. Of course most Muslims are decent people, but it's not that small fraction of Buddhists and Baptists we are worried about. Update: I am not so sure whether this would be a prudent policy (as it interferes with freedom of movement). But certainly, close scrutiny of Muslims wishing to enter Canada.

2. Canadian money supply: No more borrowing money from private banks at interest and indebting the nation. Bank of Canada can issue its own money supply

3. Demonopolizing: No more HIBC, Fraser Health and other regional health corporations, ICBC, PGT etc. Either competitive businesses or true government departments. This includes the closing down of CBC State propaganda machine and liquor control boards.

4. Decriminalization or legalization of 'vice': Cannabis - Using, growing, selling. Gambling, prostitution, pornography. More or less everything. Government is not a nanny. But neither should it be profiting from vices such as it is by distributing alcohol (update Oct. 22, 2018 - and now cannabis). Individuals, families and social groups make these decisions rather than the State.

5. Better senior's care: Nursing care at present is a disgrace. Financial incentives for families to keep their elders at home. De-unionization of our quasi-government residential care facilities.

6. Welfare reform: I have no informed opinion on minimum income program. But, who are we fooling saying anyone can survive on $610 per month (update: Oct. 22,2018 - or even $710)? Setting unrealistically low levels encourages dishonesty as enterprising individuals make cash 'under the table'.

7. Isolationist military: Except *maybe* in extreme risk situation (ISIL), no more Canadian troops overseas. Possibly tax credits and other system so private citizens can finance a counter-jihad.

8. Family Allowance increases: for non-Muslim families. Plus other incentives to reverse the Islamization of Canada. This is only one of the many prongs in an assertive campaign to take back Canada for people with Canadian values.

9. Energy: Be a world leader in safe nuclear energy (thorium)

10. Electoral reform:  Persons get into power with a minority of the vote. This must change.

11. Final settlement of aboriginal land claims: Let's get this over with. Then no more special considerations versus non-first nations

12. Reciprocal real estate rules: If country X permits our citizens to buy property in their country then Canada reciprocates. If not, we don't.

13. Marketplace medicine: My friends around the world are shocked when they learn how the Canadian system work, or rather doesn't. For while for serious accidents and life-threatening disease such as cancer it is good to be in Canada, for any chronic complaints it takes what seems like forever to see a specialist and get tests. This needs to change.

14. No more foreign aid: Or at least drastically reduce. If private individuals and organizations want to help others who are no risk to Canadians, they can do so directly.

15. Simplification of tax code: Perhaps a flat rate.

Some of my programs are *classic* liberal, a few are socialist. Some are  conservative, many are small 'l' libertarian. I can see some sense in the NDP (social democrats) and also the Conservatives and Christian Heritage Party, but I have no patience with the PC 'Liberals'.

My motto is 'let's cut the BS, let's clear the swamp'.

Friday, April 21, 2017

10 Islamic blogs on swimming

I have changed original bolding which may be different in web source. Bolding here is mine. I have edited out the Islamic statements of praise to God and Mohammed. Sorry for some inconsistencies of text. Despite numerous times changing font size and colour, this blog service is not updating those changes. It may have something to do with the websites copied and pasted which were a bit troublesome. And I do not have a copy of MS Word, only Open Office, which has its own issues.

1. Al-Islam.org

Men and unisex swimming

"Q: Is it permissible for a Muslim man to go to unisex swimming pools and other similar places where people go about half-naked?

A: It is not permissible for a Muslim man to go to unisex swimming pools and other similar places if it entails a haram act. Based on obligatory precaution, according to Ayatullah Sistani, he must refrain from going to such places even if it does not entail a haram act."

So, based on this fatwa (pronouncement of an interpretation of Islamic law) after women only swims we should expect to see Muslim MEN only swims too. I give it ten years in Canada if Trudeau gets his way. This could be presented as 'men's modest swimwear only' events. Nothing Muslim about it of course... 


Imam Ali Foundation [Shia?]
A Code of Practice For Muslims in the West
by Ayatullah Sayyid Ali Hussaini Sistani
I have downloaded this 148-page document and will study it in depth at another time. It shows how Muslims are less likely to integrate than members of other religions, and in my assessment even antagonistic.


2. EShayk

A girl, apparently from Turkish controlled Northern Cyprus, writes...

"In summer I go swimming almost every day in rivers, lakes or the ocean. I usually wear long (knee-length) swim trunks, but recently bought a basketball jersey to wear in the water as well. Is this necessary? If not in public or if no women are present, is this still necessary?"

Imam Senad Agic (originally from Bosnia) from the American Islamic Center in Chicago replies...

"The Messenger of Allah (saws) said: Whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day must not enter the public bath without a lower garment, and whoever believes in Allah and the last Day must not let his wife go to the public bath.(En-Nasa’i, Et-Tirmidhi)
The minimum for a Muslim man is to always be covered (even when being given the last bath – ghusl – before going to be buried) from the navel to the knee. The more he is covered the better it is. In light of this it is better for him to wear a t-shirt when going swimming to avoid fitna (exposing attractive parts of the body)."

* According to my preliminary reading Tirmidhi was an Uzbek Sufi scholar during the Abbasid Caliphate (9th c. B.C.E.) His Hadith is considered one of the six canonical works of Sunni Islam. He collected the recollections in what is now Iraq and also what was Hijaz.

So, again, body shame is not just a female thing. It is both genders in Islam.


3. Islamweb.net

[the next six posts]


Q: "My husband recently joined a club which provides all facilities... Given that there is a lack and limited access to physical activity while staying in today's apartment complexes and also to teach our boys swimming which is Sunnah, we've decided to use the club facilities. However, there is no separate says for men but there are days in which women are allowed to use the indoor pool and accompanying gym separately. So is it wrong for my husband to swim in a pool that has women in it? I have to clarify that it's a very big pool and usually, there are very few swimmers (men and women) at the time we have chosen to attend."

I know it sounds like a joke but I have no reason to believe that the scholar isn't being serious.

A: There is no doubt that mixed swimming pools where both men and women swim at the same time are a great evil; a Muslim should avoid it, let alone swim in it while both men and women are present. It is inconceivable that the pool in the club is so big that one does not see others in it, and does not see women. Even if it were assumed that this was the case (a swimmer does not see another in the pool because it’s too wide), the presence of your husband in such a place when it is attended by women is a door to temptation. Hence, it is better for him to close that door because a Muslim is ordained in Islam to protect himself and his family from temptation and its causes. Allaah says (what means): {O you who have believed, protect yourselves and your families from a Fire whose fuel is people and stones, over which are [appointed] angels, harsh and severe; they do not disobey Allaah in what He commands them but do what they are commanded.}[Quran 66:6]

Indeed, there is nothing equal being on the safe side when it comes to one's religion, and your husband should not endanger it for the sake of swimming there. Indeed, he may practice other sports instead of swimming.

Allaah Knows best."

Every fatwa on this website ends with 'Allaah knows best', I left just this one above intact.



"Q: What should woman wear in front of other women in swimming pool?

A: Visiting swimming pool is a permissible matter if it is in the limits of Sharia. Some of the limits of Sharia that should be considered are as follows:

1.A woman should cover her Aurah; from navel to knee in front of Muslim women and whole body in front of non-Muslim women save her face and hands till wrists and what could be unveiled at work.
2.There should be no mixing with opposite sex.
3.The other women at that place, more likely, should be covering their Awrah.
4.The place should be safe in such a manner that men cannot see what is inside.
5.Permission of a husband is must for a married woman since his obedience is an obligation and going to swimming pool is only a permitted act. So, the obligation should be given the priority.

As for the Hadith your referred to, it is that the Prophet said:"If a woman puts off her clothes in a place other than her husband's house, she tears the veil between her and Allah" [hadith sources I omit here]. This Hadith means any place where a woman is not sure of being covered from men.

Therefore, many scholars have permitted women to enter the Sauna peculiar to women if they put the above conditions into effect."

Ok, I am learning something here. The company of non-Muslim women is taboo company to devout Muslim *women*! So, I will watch for *Muslim* women only swims - no kuffars!



"Q: Swimming allowed for girls, even if they're covered from shoulders to ankle?

A: Swimming is lawful for females if the following conditions are met

1. The Awrah is completely covered.
2. There is no fear that alien men could see them.
3. That their going to the swimming pool does not lead to neglecting the rights of their husbands or children.
4. That there is no mixing between males and females in the swimming pool.
5. That the swimming itself does not cause them any harm."



"Q: I am worried about Muslim girls sport activities at schools. Especially swimming, which is obligation to know. For example, there are so many Muslim women unable to swim, because they do not know how and cause of this not able to save they drowning children in the water. So - I have a question now, does Islam tolerate this. In the schools are these swimming lectures obliged to follow, but most of the schools have mixed lectures. Most of the school are getting tired of excuses due to the religion and then the big demonstration exposes, that all Muslim girls shall change the schools, if they want to apply they religion... but the problem is, in Europe, where we as Muslims are more respected commonly, as in Arab countries, have no Islamic schools.

A: As regards your saying that it is an obligation to learn to swim, if you mean that the school obliges girls to attend these mixed swimming classes, then it is not permissible for these girls to attend these classes or to remain in these schools. They have to move to another school where religious prohibitions are respected. Otherwise, they have to remain at home as Allaah will hold them accountable for not wearing Hijab and for exposing themselves, and He will not hold them accountable for studies and swimming classes.

Saying that they have to attend these mixed classes because they need to learn to swim in order to save their children is not a valid excuse. Such an excuse does not permit them to commit such a forbidden act.

So we advise all the sisters to fear Allaah and to know that they will stand before Him in a Day equal to 50,000 years. It is only on that Day that you will know the evil consequences of learning to swim in mixed swimming classes.



"Q: I want to ask a question about swimming, if I can swim in a swimming pool were there is non-Muslim women are looking after us? I am not showing my 'Awrah.A: Among these conditions is that a woman should not see other women's 'Awrah (parts of the body that must be covered in Islam - in case of women, it is all their body except their face and hands) and we think that you will be seeing other women's 'Awrah. So in this case it is not permissible for you to go even if you are covering your 'Awrah. Some scholars are of the view that a non-Muslim woman can only see the face and hands of a Muslim woman as all her body is an 'Awrah in front of non-Muslim women except her face and hands. This is the view of the Maaliki school; their evidence is the Saying of Allaah (which means): {...and not reveal their adornment except to their husbands, or their fathers, or their husbands fathers, or their sons, or their husbands’ sons, or their brothers, or their brothers' sons, or their sisters' sons, or their (Muslim) women (i.e., their sisters in Islam),..}[Quran 24:31]. This means that a Muslim woman should not reveal her beauty to a non-Muslim woman, so you have to be cautious about this as a non-Muslim woman could describe you to her husband and the like."

Let's take this to its logical conclusion - a Muslim woman should not even be in the house of a woman who has been to the city of a woman who has been to a swimming pool where non-Muslim women swim. Absurdity 101. Somebody needs a wake up call. And it's not Muslims, it's non-Muslims who are probably not aware that such thinking and behaviour goes on in Canada. I used to think that some Hindus and Sikhs (and members of other and no religion, of course too) were ultra-conservative, but Islamic 'culture' is downright ridiculous.



"Q: I live in USA and i have 2 daughters 6 and 3. I started letting them have swiming [sic] lessons for the last 2 months, their female instructor is a non-muslim and she doesn't cover her Awra (she wears the usuall [sic] swimming suits they have here). Usually when it's time for the swimming classes only the kids and the instructors are in the pool, a friend told me may be it's haram to let my kids go to learn how to swim because of the instructors' swimming suit ? So is it really haram or not? taking into consideration any where we go here the non-muslims doesn't cover their Awra (in the mall, work.....) So please tell me exactly what to do.

A: [After three Koranic verses] Therefore, if you send your daughters to this non-Muslim female instructor, you are exposing their creed and moral conduct to danger, as it is most likely that your daughters will be emotionally attached to her especially if she treats them well, as a result, they will love her. Consequently, they will try to imitate her in her behaviour and probably in her creed, and then it will be a catastrophe. It is only then that you will regret but it will be already too late. [two quote by Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim] In addition to this, there is no necessity in teaching your daughters how to swim."



Islamic Center of Beverly Hills


According to this website while children should be taught to swim at an early age, it must be a private family event.
Immediately after swimming lessons are finished the children should wear their regular long, loose, modest Islamic clothing.”
Swimming should not be at public beaches or swimming pools, for walking around in swimwear “gradually eliminates the child's shame, modesty (Sharm or Haya) or shyness.” The author(s) claim that, “it becomes natural for these children to walk with short pants and a bra.” He/she take a jab at Southern France for toplessness.

Children must be taught shame and remorse. With bralessness, tank-tops and bikinis, “shame goes out the window.” Skimpy clothing leads to “premarital sex, sexually transmitted diseases, teenage pregnancy and extra marital sex even when they are married... then the divorce rate goes up to 90% and traditional family values become meaningless.”

Among the list of five things to do to teach and keep alive body-shame even in small children are...
 “Avoid going to the beach or public swimming or vacation cities with water sports,” and “boys or girls should be ashamed to get undressed in front of others, even their close family members.” The cause and effect logic I find amazing, something out of 1920...

Once your children are used to cover from age 1 to 13, then at the age 13, you do not have to fight them for wearing a short skirt, going out without bra and tank top clothing. Then you do not have to worry about dating, tattoos, dying their hair purple, premarital sex, teenage pregnancy, drug and alcohol addiction.”




Question: "I am a Muslim woman aged twenty-eight years, and I want to go swimming so that I can lose [sic] some weight. Can I go swimming in a swimming pool wearing clothes that cover me from the top of my head to the bottom of my feet? There are special clothes for Muslim women who want to swim and they cover the entire body, but they cling to the body when wet. What does Islam have to say about this? What if I wear a towel over these clothes and cover myself beforehand and straight after coming out of the pool? Is it permissible for me to swim in this case? Is it permissible for me to swim if there are some men present?"

Answer: "Islam enjoins women to stay at home and not go out unnecessarily, so as to preserve their chastity, maintain their dignity and protect them from all evil.
Muslim women going out to public centres and swimming pools is something that is emphatically forbidden, because it involves a number of evils and negative consequences.

If these swimming pools are in public centres that are frequented by men and women, this is a great evil. Abu Dawood (4010) and at-Tirmidhi (2803), who classed the report as hasan, narrated from Abu Maleeh al-Hudhali that some women from Syria entered upon ‘Aa’ishah and she said: Perhaps you are the people whose women enter bathhouses? They said: Yes. She said: I heard the Messenger of Allaah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) say: “There is no woman who removes her clothes anywhere other than her house, but she has torn (the screen) that is between her and Allaah.” Classed as saheeh [authentic, reliable source] by al-Albaani in Saheeh at-Tirmidhi."

The author says that even bathing with other women is a sin And an engineer designing swimming pools that are not Islamic -- that is a sin too.

Further along we learn the ruling of Shaykh Ibn 'Uthaymeen (born in 1925, a respected Sunni scholar of the Salafi school of islamic jurisprudence in Saudi Arabia -- yes, I looked him up)...

"My advice to my brothers is not to let their women go to swimming pools and sports clubs because the Prophet.. encouraged women to stay at home. Moreover, if a woman becomes accustomed to that she will become very attached to it because she is subject to her emotions, and in that case she will become distracted from her religious or worldly duties and she will always be talking about these activities in gatherings. And if the woman does such things that will be a cause of her losing sense of shame and modesty, and if a woman loses her sense of shame and modesty do not ask about the evil consequences..." 

I learned a lot from this article including the context, that hamaams (bathhouses) at the time of the hadiths being collected were not both genders, therefore the Islamic rulings concern women mixing semi-dressed with fellow women!

BTW, 'hasan' means not as well-established as 'shahih' (literally 'good'). There are three categories of individual hadiths: good, strong and weak with respective reliability. For the first two centuries of Islam (after hadiths started to be collected presumably), there was no middle category. Or so I read. I am certainly no expert.

What amazes me how subjugated women (and even men) are to religious authorities in Islam. This is like something out of Europe of the Middle Ages. Why aren't Muslims rebelling? Why is there no social and scientific enlightenment like 16
th century Europe? Clearly, Islam is a mindset totally alien to modern western values.


Eleven Islamic blog posts on swimming

I have changed original bolding which may be different in web source. Bolding here is mine. I have edited out the Islamic statements of praise to God and Mohammed. Sorry for some inconsistencies of text. Despite numerous times changing font size and colour, this blog service is not updating those changes. It may have something to do with the websites copied and pasted which were a bit troublesome


Islamic Workplace
Enabling Muslims and Non-Muslims To Work More Effectively and Harmoniously Together

Follow the Sunna of the Prophets: How exercise benefits the brain and overall performance
By Rafik Beekun

"In a hadith narrated from Hazrat Ibn Umar in which our beloved Prophet said ”Teach your children swimming, archery and horse riding”. In Sahih Muslim, the Prophet said, “Practice archery and horseback riding.” The Prophet said “Any action without the remembrance of Allah is either a diversion or heedlessness except four acts: walking from target to target (during archery practice), training a horse, . . . , and learning to swim.” (Reported by al Tabarani on good authority)   Finally, the Prophet (s) also allowed spear practice in the masjid, and also acted as a barrier for his wife Aisha (rah) when she was watching the Abyssinians practice sports."

If I understand correctly the missing section is 'playing with one's family', according to a later quote from al tabari in the same article.

This reminds me of the prohibition in the early days of ISKCON (Hare Krishnas) against 'frivolous activity'

Aisha was Mohammed's third wife.


Men and unisex swimming

"Q: Is it permissible for a Muslim man to go to unisex swimming pools and other similar places where people go about half-naked?

A: It is not permissible for a Muslim man to go to unisex swimming pools and other similar places if it entails a haram act. Based on obligatory precaution, according to Ayatullah Sistani, he must refrain from going to such places even if it does not entail a haram act."
So, based on this fatwa (pronouncement of an interpretation of Islamic law) after women only swims we should expect to see Muslim MEN only swims too. I give it ten years in Canada if Trudeau gets his way. This could be presented as 'men's modest swimwear only' events. Nothing Muslim about it of course... 


Imam Ali Foundation [Shia?]
A Code of Practice For Muslims in the West
by Ayatullah Sayyid Ali Hussaini Sistani
I have downloaded this 148-page document and will study it in depth at another time. It shows how Muslims are less likely to integrate than members of other religions, and in my assessment even antagonistic.


3. EShayk

A girl, apparently from Turkish controlled Northern Cyprus, writes...

"In summer I go swimming almost every day in rivers, lakes or the ocean. I usually wear long (knee-length) swim trunks, but recently bought a basketball jersey to wear in the water as well. Is this necessary? If not in public or if no women are present, is this still necessary?"

Imam Senad Agic (originally from Bosnia) from the American Islamic Center in Chicago replies...

"The Messenger of Allah (saws) said: Whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day must not enter the public bath without a lower garment, and whoever believes in Allah and the last Day must not let his wife go to the public bath.(En-Nasa’i, Et-Tirmidhi)
The minimum for a Muslim man is to always be covered (even when being given the last bath – ghusl – before going to be buried) from the navel to the knee. The more he is covered the better it is. In light of this it is better for him to wear a t-shirt when going swimming to avoid fitna (exposing attractive parts of the body)."
* According to my preliminary reading Tirmidhi was an Uzbek Sufi scholar during the Abbasid Caliphate (9th c. B.C.E.) His Hadith is considered one of the six canonical works of Sunni Islam. He collected the recollections in what is now Iraq and also what was Hijaz.
So, again, body shame is not just a female thing. It is both genders in Islam.

4. Islamweb.net


Q: "My husband recently joined a club which provides all facilities... Given that there is a lack and limited access to physical activity while staying in today's apartment complexes and also to teach our boys swimming which is Sunnah, we've decided to use the club facilities. However, there is no separate says for men but there are days in which women are allowed to use the indoor pool and accompanying gym separately. So is it wrong for my husband to swim in a pool that has women in it? I have to clarify that it's a very big pool and usually, there are very few swimmers (men and women) at the time we have chosen to attend."

I know it sounds like a joke but I have no reason to believe that the scholar isn't being serious.

A: There is no doubt that mixed swimming pools where both men and women swim at the same time are a great evil; a Muslim should avoid it, let alone swim in it while both men and women are present.
It is inconceivable that the pool in the club is so big that one does not see others in it, and does not see women. Even if it were assumed that this was the case (a swimmer does not see another in the pool because it’s too wide), the presence of your husband in such a place when it is attended by women is a door to temptation. Hence, it is better for him to close that door because a Muslim is ordained in Islam to protect himself and his family from temptation and its causes. Allaah says (what means): {O you who have believed, protect yourselves and your families from a Fire whose fuel is people and stones, over which are [appointed] angels, harsh and severe; they do not disobey Allaah in what He commands them but do what they are commanded.}[Quran 66:6]

Indeed, there is nothing equal being on the safe side when it comes to one's religion, and your husband should not endanger it for the sake of swimming there. Indeed, he may practice other sports instead of swimming.
Allaah Knows best."

Every fatwa on this website ends with 'Allaah knows best', I left the one above intact.



"Q: What should woman wear in front of other women in swimming pool?

A: Visiting swimming pool is a permissible matter if it is in the limits of Sharia. Some of the limits of Sharia that should be considered are as follows:

1.A woman should cover her Aurah; from navel to knee in front of Muslim women and whole body in front of non-Muslim women save her face and hands till wrists and what could be unveiled at work.
2.There should be no mixing with opposite sex.
3.The other women at that place, more likely, should be covering their Awrah.
4.The place should be safe in such a manner that men cannot see what is inside.
5.Permission of a husband is must for a married woman since his obedience is an obligation and going to swimming pool is only a permitted act. So, the obligation should be given the priority.

As for the Hadith your referred to, it is that the Prophet said:"If a woman puts off her clothes in a place other than her husband's house, she tears the veil between her and Allah" [hadith sources I omit here]. This Hadith means any place where a woman is not sure of being covered from men.

Therefore, many scholars have permitted women to enter the Sauna peculiar to women if they put the above conditions into effect."

Ok, I am learning something here. The company of non-Muslim women is taboo company to devout Muslim *women*! So, I will watch for *Muslim* women only swims - no kuffars!



"Q: Swimming allowed for girls, even if they're covered from shoulders to ankle?

A: Swimming is lawful for females if the following conditions are met

1. The Awrah is completely covered.
2. There is no fear that alien men could see them.
3. That their going to the swimming pool does not lead to neglecting the rights of their husbands or children.
4. That there is no mixing between males and females in the swimming pool.
5. That the swimming itself does not cause them any harm."



"Q: I am worried about Muslim girls sport activities at schools. Especially swimming, which is obligation to know. For example, there are so many Muslim women unable to swim, because they do not know how and cause of this not able to save they drowning children in the water. So - I have a question now, does Islam tolerate this. In the schools are these swimming lectures obliged to follow, but most of the schools have mixed lectures. Most of the school are getting tired of excuses due to the religion and then the big demonstration exposes, that all Muslim girls shall change the schools, if they want to apply they religion... but the problem is, in Europe, where we as Muslims are more respected commonly, as in Arab countries, have no Islamic schools.

A: As regards your saying that it is an obligation to learn to swim, if you mean that the school obliges girls to attend these mixed swimming classes, then it is not permissible for these girls to attend these classes or to remain in these schools. They have to move to another school where religious prohibitions are respected. Otherwise, they have to remain at home as Allaah will hold them accountable for not wearing Hijab and for exposing themselves, and He will not hold them accountable for studies and swimming classes.

Saying that they have to attend these mixed classes because they need to learn to swim in order to save their children is not a valid excuse. Such an excuse does not permit them to commit such a forbidden act.

So we advise all the sisters to fear Allaah and to know that they will stand before Him in a Day equal to 50,000 years. It is only on that Day that you will know the evil consequences of learning to swim in mixed swimming classes."



"Q: I want to ask a question about swimming, if I can swim in a swimming pool were there is non-Muslim women are looking after us? I am not showing my 'Awrah.

A: Among these conditions is that a woman should not see other women's 'Awrah (parts of the body that must be covered in Islam - in case of women, it is all their body except their face and hands) and we think that you will be seeing other women's 'Awrah. So in this case it is not permissible for you to go even if you are covering your 'Awrah. Some scholars are of the view that a non-Muslim woman can only see the face and hands of a Muslim woman as all her body is an 'Awrah in front of non-Muslim women except her face and hands. This is the view of the Maaliki school; their evidence is the Saying of Allaah (which means): {...and not reveal their adornment except to their husbands, or their fathers, or their husbands fathers, or their sons, or their husbands’ sons, or their brothers, or their brothers' sons, or their sisters' sons, or their (Muslim) women (i.e., their sisters in Islam),..}[Quran 24:31]. This means that a Muslim woman should not reveal her beauty to a non-Muslim woman, so you have to be cautious about this as a non-Muslim woman could describe you to her husband and the like."

Let's take this to its logical conclusion - a Muslim woman should not even be in the house of a woman who has been to the city of a woman who has been to a swimming pool where non-Muslim women swim. Absurdity 101. Somebody needs a wake up call. And it's not Muslims, it's non-Muslims who are probably not aware that such thinking and behaviour goes on in Canada. I used to think that some Hindus and Sikhs were ultra-conservative, but Islam is downright ridiculous.



"Q: I live in USA and i have 2 daughters 6 and 3. I started letting them have swiming [sic] lessons for the last 2 months, their female instructor is a non-muslim and she doesn't cover her Awra (she wears the usuall [sic] swimming suits they have here). Usually when it's time for the swimming classes only the kids and the instructors are in the pool, a friend told me may be it's haram to let my kids go to learn how to swim because of the instructors' swimming suit ? So is it really haram or not? taking into consideration any where we go here the non-muslims doesn't cover their Awra (in the mall, work.....) So please tell me exactly what to do.

A: [After three Koranic verses] Therefore, if you send your daughters to this non-Muslim female instructor, you are exposing their creed and moral conduct to danger, as it is most likely that your daughters will be emotionally attached to her especially if she treats them well, as a result, they will love her. Consequently, they will try to imitate her in her behaviour and probably in her creed, and then it will be a catastrophe. It is only then that you will regret but it will be already too late. [two quote by Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim] In addition to this, there is no necessity in teaching your daughters how to swim."



Islamic Center of Beverly Hills


According to this website while children should be taught to swim at an early age, it must be a private family event.
Immediately after swimming lessons are finished the children should wear their regular long, loose, modest Islamic clothing.”
Swimming should not be at public beaches or swimming pools, for walking around in swimwear “gradually eliminates the child's shame, modesty (Sharm or Haya) or shyness.” The author(s) claim that, “it becomes natural for these children to walk with short pants and a bra.” He/she take a jab at Southern France for toplessness.

Children must be taught shame and remorse. With bralessness, tank-tops and bikinis, “shame goes out the window.” Skimpy clothing leads to “premarital sex, sexually transmitted diseases, teenage pregnancy and extra marital sex even when they are married... then the divorce rate goes up to 90% and traditional family values become meaningless.”

Among the list of five things to do to teach and keep alive body-shame even in small children are... “Avoid going to the beach or public swimming or vacation cities with water sports,” and “boys or girls should be ashamed to get undressed in front of others, even their close family members.” The cause and effect logic I find amazing, something out of 1920...

Once your children are used to cover from age 1 to 13, then at the age 13, you do not have to fight them for wearing a short skirt, going out without bra and tank top clothing. Then you do not have to worry about dating, tattoos, dying their hair purple, premarital sex, teenage pregnancy, drug and alcohol addiction.”




Question: "I am a Muslim woman aged twenty-eight years, and I want to go swimming so that I can lose [sic] some weight. Can I go swimming in a swimming pool wearing clothes that cover me from the top of my head to the bottom of my feet? There are special clothes for Muslim women who want to swim and they cover the entire body, but they cling to the body when wet. What does Islam have to say about this? What if I wear a towel over these clothes and cover myself beforehand and straight after coming out of the pool? Is it permissible for me to swim in this case? Is it permissible for me to swim if there are some men present?"

Answer: "Islam enjoins women to stay at home and not go out unnecessarily, so as to preserve their chastity, maintain their dignity and protect them from all evil.
Muslim women going out to public centres and swimming pools is something that is emphatically forbidden, because it involves a number of evils and negative consequences.

If these swimming pools are in public centres that are frequented by men and women, this is a great evil. Abu Dawood (4010) and at-Tirmidhi (2803), who classed the report as hasan, narrated from Abu Maleeh al-Hudhali that some women from Syria entered upon ‘Aa’ishah and she said: Perhaps you are the people whose women enter bathhouses? They said: Yes. She said: I heard the Messenger of Allaah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) say: “There is no woman who removes her clothes anywhere other than her house, but she has torn (the screen) that is between her and Allaah.” Classed as saheeh [authentic, reliable source] by al-Albaani in Saheeh at-Tirmidhi."

The author says that even bathing with other women is a sin And an engineer designing swimming pools that are not Islamic -- that is a sin too.

Further along we learn the ruling of Shaykh Ibn 'Uthaymeen (born in 1925, a respected Sunni scholar of the Salafi school of islamic jurisprudence in Saudi Arabia -- yes, I looked him up)...

"My advice to my brothers is not to let their women go to swimming pools and sports clubs because the Prophet.. encouraged women to stay at home. Moreover, if a woman becomes accustomed to that she will become very attached to it because she is subject to her emotions, and in that case she will become distracted from her religious or worldly duties and she will always be talking about these activities in gatherings. And if the woman does such things that will be a cause of her losing sense of shame and modesty, and if a woman loses her sense of shame and modesty do not ask about the evil consequences..." 

I learned a lot from this article including the context, that hamaams (bathhouses) at the time of the hadiths being collected were not both genders, therefore the Islamic rulings concern women mixing semi-dressed with fellow women!

BTW, 'hasan' means not as well-established as 'shahih' (literally 'good'). There are three categories of individual hadiths: good, strong and weak with respective reliability. For the first two centuries of Islam (after hadiths started to be collected presumably), there was no middle category. Or so I read. I am certainly no expert.

What amazes me how subjugated women (and even men) are to religious authorities in Islam. This is like something out of Europe of the Middle Ages. Why aren't Muslims rebelling? Why is there no social and scientific enlightenment like 16th century Europe? Clearly, Islam is a mindset totally alien to modern western values.
