I am not an absolutist. I am willing to listen to experts, inlcuding those of differing opinions. But here are my most important political concerns, in order of priority...
1. Muslim immigration: Immediate moratorium on Muslim immigration. There are of course some exceptions (Ahmaddiyas and Ismailis come to mind) but if you are a male named Mohammed, you cannot 100% prove your past and present, and you are from a known jihadi country - you're not coming in, even as a tourist. Of course most Muslims are decent people, but it's not that small fraction of Buddhists and Baptists we are worried about. Update: I am not so sure whether this would be a prudent policy (as it interferes with freedom of movement). But certainly, close scrutiny of Muslims wishing to enter Canada.
2. Canadian money supply: No more borrowing money from private banks at interest and indebting the nation. Bank of Canada can issue its own money supply
3. Demonopolizing: No more HIBC, Fraser Health and other regional health corporations, ICBC, PGT etc. Either competitive businesses or true government departments. This includes the closing down of CBC State propaganda machine and liquor control boards.
4. Decriminalization or legalization of 'vice': Cannabis - Using, growing, selling. Gambling, prostitution, pornography. More or less everything. Government is not a nanny. But neither should it be profiting from vices such as it is by distributing alcohol (update Oct. 22, 2018 - and now cannabis). Individuals, families and social groups make these decisions rather than the State.
5. Better senior's care: Nursing care at present is a disgrace. Financial incentives for families to keep their elders at home. De-unionization of our quasi-government residential care facilities.
6. Welfare reform: I have no informed opinion on minimum income program. But, who are we fooling saying anyone can survive on $610 per month (update: Oct. 22,2018 - or even $710)? Setting unrealistically low levels encourages dishonesty as enterprising individuals make cash 'under the table'.
7. Isolationist military: Except *maybe* in extreme risk situation (ISIL), no more Canadian troops overseas. Possibly tax credits and other system so private citizens can finance a counter-jihad.
8. Family Allowance increases: for non-Muslim families. Plus other incentives to reverse the Islamization of Canada. This is only one of the many prongs in an assertive campaign to take back Canada for people with Canadian values.
9. Energy: Be a world leader in safe nuclear energy (thorium)
10. Electoral reform: Persons get into power with a minority of the vote. This must change.
11. Final settlement of aboriginal land claims: Let's get this over with. Then no more special considerations versus non-first nations
12. Reciprocal real estate rules: If country X permits our citizens to buy property in their country then Canada reciprocates. If not, we don't.
13. Marketplace medicine: My friends around the world are shocked when they learn how the Canadian system work, or rather doesn't. For while for serious accidents and life-threatening disease such as cancer it is good to be in Canada, for any chronic complaints it takes what seems like forever to see a specialist and get tests. This needs to change.
14. No more foreign aid: Or at least drastically reduce. If private individuals and organizations want to help others who are no risk to Canadians, they can do so directly.
15. Simplification of tax code: Perhaps a flat rate.
Some of my programs are *classic* liberal, a few are socialist. Some are conservative, many are small 'l' libertarian. I can see some sense in the NDP (social democrats) and also the Conservatives and Christian Heritage Party, but I have no patience with the PC 'Liberals'.
My motto is 'let's cut the BS, let's clear the swamp'.
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